Learn how to grow your Wealth and Impact by Increasing and monetizing your value.


Here is some of what you get in the six-month bootcamp

Learn How to Grow an Audience Exponentially 

Learn how to increase your Visibility and Value

Learn how to Monetize your value and create passive income streams


Gain Time Freedom and Money Freedom

Learn the Billionaire Principles to become financially independent

Build support for your mission

Discover and Live your Purpose

Learn the Bellringer Branding Principles

Learn the 20 Levels of Fame

Make your dreams of making a difference a Reality

Learn how to create a Movement lkjlfkadjlfjdalfjldaksjflk

Who is Marcus "Bellringer" Bell?

Founder & Program Leader

Marcus Bell has marketed and promoted, produced, written songs for, mentored and developed some of the world’s superstars and brands.

Marcus' list of credits includes Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Shelita Burke, Timbaland, Amitabh Bachchan, Hadise, Park Jung-Ah, GALA, Sony Music, Warner Brothers, Arista Records, Netflix, MTV, HBO, Discovery Network, EMI and Universal Music, to name a few. Global superstar Beyonce performed to one of the songs produced by Marcus on her "On the Run II Tour" co-headlined with husband Jay-Z. Marcus has also written and performed songs in films featuring Jennifer Lopez, including the song 'Let Me Know' found on the film 'Second Act' soundtrack.

He has created music for internationally renowned brands such as McDonalds, General Mills, and Peter Diamandis (X-Prize, Singularity University).

He published an Amazon #1 best selling book, “Bellringer Branding Bible: The 5 Musician Branding Principles for Singers, Rappers, DJs, Music Producers, Composers, Writers, and Recording Artists.”

Not called on just by the entertainment industry, Marcus also coaches and trains people from all fields in increasing their visibility.

As an influencer in multiple realms for more than four decades, his mission is to uplift the uplifters. As a social media influencer, his own posts have generated more than 300 million impressions and his network of influence reaches over 4 billion impressions a month.




The program includes a monthly webinar where you learn the distinctions and rules of Money, Celebrity, and Influence. You also will be able to join the work sessions and interact directly with Marcus Bell and the team on your offer. fadfadfadsfadsfasdfadsffadfdafdaf


The course assignments bring you to discovery and articulation of your true value... then on to planning for your Visibility, Impact, and Monetization. We give you the step by step process to create yourself as a cultural brand as well as build wealth.

Support Community

You gain access to the ambitious participant community on the private network and the weekly check-in calls to keep you accountable and on course with your aims.

Receive All The Tools and Structure You Need To Build A Successful Business That Can Impact Millions of People.


Wealth and Impact Bootcamp

The flagship 6-month program is the foundation for building your offer of value beyond your current paradigm. All Impacters, our dedicated community of entrepreneurs, start here before advancing to the next level of wealth building programming.

Wealth and Impact Bootcamp Part 2

This advanced 6-month leadership program empowers you with the skills to lead global change, whether in your business, community, or country. Some Impacters take the program before moving into Wealth and Impact Bootcamp Stage 2.

Wealth and Impact Bootcamp Stage 2

The 1-year global launchpad is a program where you journey with an intimate group of a few Impacters in your Stage 2 cohort. As an Impacter, you will gain deep specialized knowledge that will elevate your offer with billionaire distinctions and actionable steps.


This is what a few of them have to say...


Elizabeth R. Henry, MD (Dr. Liz)

TV Personality (CBS), Pediatrician Empowering Parents, Uplifting Youth

"Wealth and Impact is an extraordinary bootcamp for extraordinary people. It has provided me with the knowledge, practical tools, structure, and support to make a global impact, be sought after, and in high demand. I have also gained in-depth training in creating wealth for my personal, professional, and philanthropic goals. This program is a must if you want to take your life’s aims and goals to a whole new level."

Michael Wardlaw, PHD

US Naval Technologist and Lead Instructor, MIT

"I am learning how to monetize my 40-plus years of technology development experience and creating more freedom for myself by placing focused intention on controlling my time."

Maryl Gladstone

Best Selling Author, and Speaker

"The community is brimming with collaboration opportunities, and I can track my progress with transparency, seeing and celebrating the progress of others. My mind is expanding and focusing simultaneously…"

Alena Bernardi

Vocalist, Composer, Musical Theater Influencer

"I have agency and autonomy over my life, access to fame, wealth, and impact… access to a community that is connected and that supports me. I am grateful to be chosen to be part of this work."

Noah Gabriel Press McIntyre

Parkinson Thought Leader, Discover Gratitude Founder 

"I am inspired with new energy to create, design, and fulfill my destiny as an expression of the deep love in my heart. The program gave me the clarity to break through the barriers and self-imposed limits that I have used to hold myself back for over a decade."

Anne Lawrence

Podcaster and Real Estate Investor 

"Content, new thinking and perspective, group interactions and community... I'm grateful for this mastermind group."

Rev. Barbara Ann Michaels

Jester of the Peace

"Wealth and Impact Bootcamp gave me the umbrella I didn't think I'd find - the umbrella under which all parts of me fit, with no parts left out. As a super-creative, a clown theater artist, interfaith minister, and writer with endless ideas, I had often felt fragmented in the past. The very first week of the Wealth and Impact Bootcamp, I felt a surge of the possible, suddenly seeing clearly that I was capable of doing all of my dreams, rather than just dreaming them. I also saw that community was the key. The Wealth and Impact community moved me through each resistance that popped up, including learning to embrace consistent habits that create expansion through leadership. I find the community to be both courageous and compassionate, and I certainly need both to thrive."

Craig Addy

Musician, Founder, Under the Piano

"Wealth and Impact Bootcamp transformed my view on the value of my unique musical offerings. I came out having quadrupled my prices. I went global by providing my musical offerings both in-person and online. I discovered I am the brand, I am the offer."

Rachel Rainbows

Creative Director in Children’s Media

"Wherever you are on your journey of discovery and manifestation of your vision, Wealth and Impact can help you. I would recommend this program to anyone who’s ready to do the work to make their biggest dreams come true."

Joanne Morton

Artist, Performer, Activist

"The Wealth and Impact Bootcamp program has helped me discover how to have the kind of impact and wealth that I desire. There was a level of internal work to do as well as external.  Having a community of like-hearted creators and entrepreneurs who support one another has been so powerful.  For the first time in my life, I feel like I have a community that understands my vision.  I am grateful for the people I've met and look forward to collaborating with many of them over the coming years."

Joann Maria Yarrow

Global Story Specialist/Consultant, International Director/Producer, Award-winning mentor

"Being a part of the Wealth and Impact Bootcamp has empowered me as an artist to build my brand, open the floodgates to professional opportunities, and make a difference for others. Everything is story -- especially the one we tell ourselves about our worth and value. Being a part of the Wealth and Impact community has transformed that story and provided a network of professional colleagues that are out to shift the world."

Some of Our Impacters

Uplifting the Planet


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